Love the article and comments and will add a nuance to them. When we are able to disassociate our value, our understanding of who we are from our thoughts, that is a powerful place to be. If I am experiencing / allowing negative thoughts, the “more enlightened” person will view their own thoughts as they might another’s, as an opinion in the moment to be pondered but not accepted as truth. So, instead of “I am the victim here”, we are able to rephrase that to “I am feeling like a victim here”, and with that slight change we might then be able to move to consider what internal meme, or recurring theme was just triggered in this moment? And then perhaps, we can have compassion for that past self, and then also have compassion (and gratitude) for the person who triggered us. Gratitude because they’ve been the catalyst to allow us to notice and release a mental falsity that has held us in victim-mode ourselves in the past. --- if you’ve read this far, thanks. I guess I just journaled for today in your comments! 🙃

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Kathy, your idea of rephrasing from the "I am" statement to the "I am feeling" one, really does shift things. The first one is an identity statement and locks in the idea, while the second one is a "noticing" statement that leads to an exploration of the idea, especially once we develop the habit of looking underneath for core causes. Thanks!!

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Sensing energy directed @ you, as well as just reading another's energy, is absolutely true. If (and the answer is yes) quantum entanglement has info known across light years instantly . . . which there of course demonstrates oneness . . . . then for all we life forms which are consciousnesses, are we not also demonstrating the oneness in being as unique units joined in this vast oneness. Blessings. p.s. Gas-lighting is also an energy abuser. Caution is needed in thinking another understands what I understand . . . they likely don't.

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Silent treatment hurts! It’s chilling feeling and my thought go down spiral when I don’t hear from my boss at work. Knowing how I feel with silent treatment, I want to be cognizant of the impact it has on others.

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